Corso di Formazione “Council of Europe’s Compass Human Rights Education Programme”

Wroclaw, Poland , Poland

The main project activity is an nine-day training course on the Council of Europe’s Human Rights Education Programme – Compass, and the Compass HRE Manual. The course will held in Wroclaw, Poland, from 6th to 14th November 2014, and involve 24 youth workers from 8 Programme countries. The main project objectives are: - Training participants […]

Corso di Formazione “European Youth Labour Mobility Week”

Wroclaw, Poland , Poland

European Youth Labour Mobility Week” will be a training course for youth workers and youth leaders. High youth unemployment rate in south, lack of work forces in north, misuse of workers, inequality of domestic and foreign workers, lack of information about rights and possibilities… This is just the top of the iceberg of issues that […]