Vukovar, Croatia Vukovar, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

Il progetto "Let's talk about it" è un corso di formazione finanziato dal programma comunitario Erasmus+ che si terrà a Vukovar, in Croazia, dal 22 al 30 Novembre 2018. Il corso prevede la partecipazione di diversi giovani provenienti da Croazia, Italia, Turchia, Georgia, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Albania, Spagna, Lituania, Inghilterra, Serbia, Slovenia ed Estonia. Lo scopo […]

Corso di Formazione “We Bet on our Net”

Vukovar, Croatia Vukovar, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

This project is aiming at building capacities of the youth organisations and their members to bring into the practice relevant aspects of network and networking, such as good governance, communication within the network, image building of a network, fundraising for the network and impact of networks on youth work and youth support systems. Gain necessary […]

We Bet on our Net

Vukovar, Croatia Vukovar, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)

This project is aiming at building capacities of the youth organisations and their members to bring into the practice relevant aspects of network and networking, such as good governance, communication within the network, image building of a network, fundraising for the network and impact of networks on youth work and youth support systems. Gain necessary […]