Sarajevo, Bosnia And Herzegowina Sarajevo, Bosnia And Herzegowina

The youth exchange “BEST- Be Entertaining For Social Transformation” will be in Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in March 2014, and will include 45 youngsters from 9 countries from EU and SEE: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Serbia, Poland, Italy, Romania, Albania, Slovenia and Turkey. For 9 days (including the travel days) the participants will […]

Scambio Giovanile “Film for Inclusion”

Vrnacka Banja, Serbia Vrnacka Banja, Serbia

"Film for inclusion" is a youth exchange that will be on the 27 March- 6 April 2014 in Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia and will  address social exclusion as a major social problem of our time, which has replaced the "old notions of" poverty and marginalization. Social inclusion is our right to be: useful, respected, accepted, equal. […]

Scambio Giovanile “Peer to Peer Education for Healthy Life Style”

Pogradec, Albania Pogradec, Albania

"Peer to Peer Education for Healthy Life Style" is a youth exchange that will be hosted and implemented by Youth4Society organization on 31 March- 8 April 2014 in Pogradec, in Albania and will bring together 28 participants and 7 leaders from 7 different partners from EU and SEE countries. The project aims at empowering youth […]

Corso di Formazione “Fortes fortuna adiuvat”

Vrnacka Banja, Serbia Vrnacka Banja, Serbia

Youth unemployment (especially youth with fewer opportunity, minority and migrant youth) is one of the most relevant challenges in contemporary Europe. Youth employability is directly related to life independence, which plays a central role in other structural social policies. Overall aim of the project is building capacities of youth workers from Europe to support different […]

Corso di Formazione “Leadership and Facilitation Skills in Non-Formal Learning”

Orvelte, Netherlands Orvelte, Netherlands

This is an Action 4.3 project (Training Course) for youth workers and youth leaders from 9 YiA Programme countries, taking place in Orvelte, the Netherlands, in April 2014. The course will last seven working days. This course aims to train youth workers in leadership and facilitation in non-formal learning. Partner promoters in this project plan […]

Corso di Formazione “Steping into ACTive CitizenSHIP”

Tirana, Albania Tirana, Albania

The project is designed to explore the concept of citizenship in general and European citizenship in particular. The training course is fulfilling needs for gaining knowledge in citizenship education and gain practical tools how to be active citizens and promote active citizenship in local, national and European level using non formal education. Participants from youth […]

Corso di Formazione “Empowering Youth Fighting Exclusion”

Pristina, Kosovo Kosovo, Serbia

Social exclusion features similar characteristics in many European countries and is determined by a multi-layer deprivation of basic human rights. The most relevant forms of exclusion for young people are limited access to education, lack of a secure and safe living environment, unemployment, the restricted opportunities to influence political decision making and few possibilities to […]

PBA “Step by Step we go a long way”

Chisinau, Moldolva Chisinau, Moldolva, Moldova, Republic Of

“Step by Step we go a long way” is a Partnership Building Activity which wants to update the EVS projects with elements of quality support of the personal and social development of the young people in Europe. The main related objectives are: to increase the number of volunteers participating in the EVS programme; to promote […]

Corso di Formazione “Babylon Reinvented: How to Approach ICL”

Lviv, Ukraine Lviv, Ukraine

Training course will take place in multicultural city of Kharkiv and bring together 30 youth workers from 10 counties, 5 EU and 5 from EECA. During 7 days they will be working on intercultural learning. Looking back into history we can see that there were several waves of migration, so basically Europe now is a […]

Corso di Formazione “SMARTER”

Bucharest, Romania , Romania

Social Media Academy : Raising Teen Employability Resources (SMARTER) is an intensive 9 days training course for 40 participants coming from 14 countries (Romania, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Cyprus, Malta, Greece, Croatia, Lithuania, Iceland and Turkey) and 16 organisations (non profit, bodies active at European level, informal groups). The project will take place […]