Corso di Formazione “Deal with our past to live better our future”

Yerevan, Armenia , Armenia

Training course "Deal with our past to live better our future" will bring together 30 youth workers and activists from 7 different European countries to discuss and share their experience about working with young people on sensitive historical issues including violence and conflict. The course will be hosted by association "COMPASS" and will take a place in Armenia […]

Seminario “Emigration vs. Immigration”

Tsakhkadzor Tsakhkadzor, Armenia, Armenia

The main aim of the project is to provide an opportunity for participants to become better informed about the larger picture of migration flows, and their impact on both the country of origin and the country of destination. The objectives of the project include: 1. To provide participants with the theoretical knowledge and practical background […]

Corso di Formazione “Be Skilled, Get Educated!”

Struga Struga, Macedonia, Macedonia

The main goal of this Training course is to explain youth leaders and workers how to write and manage projects successfully. Furthermore, by using methods of non­formal education, such as group activities, open discussions and different types of creative workshops, participants will learn how to deal with different phases of project management including preparation, planning […]

Corso di Formazione “We BELIEVE in unity Together”

Pristina, Kosovo Kosovo, Serbia

We BELIEVE in Unity Together! is a training course for youth leaders and youth workers and it aims to promote tolerance and mutual understanding amongst youth of different communities and religions. With this project we look forward to shed light on the growing importance of dialogue and mutual understanding of persons living together in a […]

Corso di Formazione “Train to Change – Youth Trainers for Europe”

Tbilisi, Georgia , Georgia

The Training Course "Train to Change – youth trainers for Europe" in Tbilisi, Georgia is jointly organized by the Georgian and Italian partner organizations. Participants of the TC will be representatives of youth organizations, youth workers, decision makers, young leaders, and just active young people from the following 7 countries: Italy, Spain, Croatia, Georgia, Armenia, […]

Corso di formazione “GO4iNGO”

Yerevan, Armenia , Armenia

Civic Forum is planning to hold a training course entitled "GO 4 iNGO" which will take place on 5-13 June 2014 in Yerevan, Armenia. The training course will bring together 37 young people from 11 countries including Armenia, Poland, Bulgaria, Georgia, Lithuania, Moldova, Slovenia, Ukraine, Belarus, Italy and Romania. The project is aimed at promoting […]

Corso di Formazione “Active Youth for Active Europe”

Kopaniec, Poland Kopaniec, Poland

Active Youth for Active Europe is an 8-day training course dedicated to people working with youth. The course will be held on 28.08 - 04.09.2014, in the village of Kopaniec , near Jelenia Gora. The project will be attended by 30 participants from ten Programme countries, such as: Malta , Italy , the Netherlands, Lithuania, […]

Scambio Giovanile “YO! 4 Inclusion- Youth Olympics for Inclusion”

Olhão, Portugal Olhão, Portugal

YO! 4 Inclusion is an international youth exchange that has as main objective the creation of a space where young people from different European countries experience Sports and Outdoor activities as a tool to promote Health Education and Social Inclusion. The YE will be hosted by MOJU and will be held in Olhão, in the […]

Corso di formazione “SupPORT THE ENVIRONMENT”

Belgrade Belgrade, Serbia

The project "SupPORT THE ENVIRONMENT" is a follow up idea after the Training for Trainers in education through sport that had three implementation phases that took part in year 2012 - 2013 in Scotland, Italy and France and was organized by ISCA from Copenhagen. After   accomplishing all phases of project participating organizations decided take […]