Scambio Giovanile “From unemployment to employment”

Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia Vrnjacka Banja , Serbia

Youth unemployment in Europe is a huge problem nowadays. Moreover, the unemployment rate in rural areas is even higher all over the Europe which is strongly related with depopulation process in rural areas. This project is aimed at empowerment of young people especially young people from rural areas and with fewer opportunities towards employability and […]

Corso di Formazione “Active Youth for Active Europe”

Kopaniec, Poland Kopaniec, Poland

Active Youth for Active Europe is an 8-day training course dedicated to people working with youth. The course will be held on 28.08 - 04.09.2014, in the village of Kopaniec , near Jelenia Gora. The project will be attended by 30 participants from ten Programme countries, such as: Malta , Italy , the Netherlands, Lithuania, […]

Corso di Formazione “European Youth Labour Mobility Week”

Wroclaw, Poland , Poland

European Youth Labour Mobility Week” will be a training course for youth workers and youth leaders. High youth unemployment rate in south, lack of work forces in north, misuse of workers, inequality of domestic and foreign workers, lack of information about rights and possibilities… This is just the top of the iceberg of issues that […]

Corso di Formazione: “2 PLUS 2 possibilities become 5 realities”

Bansko, Bulgaria , Bulgaria

The idea of the project "2 PLUS 2 possibilities become 5 realities" arose in connection with the undertaken EU initiatives and programs and the engagement of the national governments to apply concrete measures for youth activation and inclusion in different forms of employment and to encourage all interested sides for cooperation and coordination between them. […]

Training Course “Enter to exit mode to Employability”

Larnaca, Cyprus Larnaca, Cyprus

It's generally realized that in Europe, even if the ideas of young people are incredible and substantial, however they face difficulties to develop and manipulate and bring these ideas into projects. They fight to find the bridge that will connect theory with practice. The reasons are many and complicate. So, the main goal with this project is […]


Riga, Lettonia Riga

Youth Exchange “EYE ON YOU(TH)” will be held in Riga, Latvia. The objectives of the project is to create unique videos about youth unemployment seen from a youth perspective.  During one weekyoungsters from 5 countries will come together to participate in group works, discussions, creative workshops, team building activities and other non-formal education activities with aim […]

CORSO DI FORMAZIONE “Learning 2DO: Skills and Competences for Youth Employability”

Budapest, Ungheria , Ungheria

Il corso di formazione "Learning 2DO: skills and competences for Youth Employability" è un corso di formazione che coinvolgerà youth worker, leaders e giovani da 9 Paesi europei a Budapest, Ungheria. L'obbiettivo principale del progetto è di apprendere nuove pratiche e strumenti utili a sviluppare le competenze dei giovani e facilitare il loro ingresso nel […]


Pákozd Pákozd, Ungheria

Il progetto "My Life, My Time" è uno scambio giovanile che si svolgerà a Pákozd, in Ungheria a 50 km dalla capitale Budapest. Il progetto coinvolgerà 35 ragazze e ragazzi provenienti da Lituania, Grecia, Malta, Ungheria, Italia, Bulgaria e Polonia. Gli obbiettivi del progetto sono: - Conoscere e sviluppare attività e misure contro l'inattività e la […]

CORSO DI FORMAZIONE “Youth work for youth employability”

Rezekne Rezekne, Lettonia

Il progetto "Youth Work for Youth Employability" ha come obbiettivo principale il miglioramento e l'acquisizione di competenze relative all'occupazione giovanile e l'imprenditorialità. Il corso in se trasferirà delle competenze agli operatori giovanili su occupazione e aumentare le possibilità dei giovani delle proprie comunità a sviluppare competenze e facilitarne l'ingresso nel mondo del lavoro. Il corso […]