Corso di formazione “GO4iNGO”

Yerevan, Armenia , Armenia

Civic Forum is planning to hold a training course entitled "GO 4 iNGO" which will take place on 5-13 June 2014 in Yerevan, Armenia. The training course will bring together 37 young people from 11 countries including Armenia, Poland, Bulgaria, Georgia, Lithuania, Moldova, Slovenia, Ukraine, Belarus, Italy and Romania. The project is aimed at promoting […]

Corso di Formazione “Boost Your Leadership Skills”

Pogradec, Albania Pogradec, Albania

The aim of TC "Boost Your Leadership Skills" is to develop leadership skills and empower youth from different minority groups, to boost them with more possibilities and opportunities for active participation. Objectives: -To provide participants with tools to develop their leadership skills in order to motivate them in becoming active citizens. - Boost them with […]

Corso di Formazione “European Youth Labour Mobility Week”

Wroclaw, Poland , Poland

European Youth Labour Mobility Week” will be a training course for youth workers and youth leaders. High youth unemployment rate in south, lack of work forces in north, misuse of workers, inequality of domestic and foreign workers, lack of information about rights and possibilities… This is just the top of the iceberg of issues that […]

Training Course “Youth takes Stage in the Balkans: Theatre and Campaigning Course”

Tirana, Albania Tirana, Albania

This is an Erasmus+ (Mobility of youth workers) project aimed at developing youth workers’ competences in facilitating youth-led campaigns using theatre methods. The project is part of a series of three training courses to be held in the UK, Albania and Georgia. All three courses will bring together different groups of participants. The main themes […]

Training Course “Enter to exit mode to Employability”

Larnaca, Cyprus Larnaca, Cyprus

It's generally realized that in Europe, even if the ideas of young people are incredible and substantial, however they face difficulties to develop and manipulate and bring these ideas into projects. They fight to find the bridge that will connect theory with practice. The reasons are many and complicate. So, the main goal with this project is […]

TRAINING COURSE ” Soft Skills as a Key to Employability”

Zlobice , Czech Republic

“Soft Skills as a Key to Employability” is a training course thats aims at increasing the employability of young people by helping them analyze their levels of different soft skills and non-formal competences and showing them how they can improve those competences in an interactive way. Objectives: - to encourage young people’s personal growth by helping […]

Corso di Formazione “Embracing Multimedia for HRE”

Durres, Albania Durres, Albania

"Embracing Multimedia for HRE" is a Capacity Building project which includes a series of events on human rights education and multimedia topic. This project aims to assist civil society organizations (CSOs) in addressing human rights issues through education and creative tools. The project promotes human rights education (HRE) and increase competences of youth workers/leaders to […]

Corso di Formazione “Do it right!”

Tbilisi, Georgia , Georgia

"Do It Right" is a Youth Workers meeting, where it will be gathered representatives of EVS SO-HO-CO organizations and ex-EVS volunteers still active in the field of youth so as to come up together with ideas on: How to prepare for the potential challenges in EVS? How to overcome issues when these appear? How to ensure […]

Corso di Formazione “Yes THEY CARE”

Nitra, Slovakia Nitra, Slovakia, Slovakia (Slovak Republic)

The project Yes THEY CARE! will involve more than 30 participants, young people, youth workers and facilitators, who will meet in Nitra, Slovakia. The mobility will create space where they through non-formal education can work together on the topics such as conflict management and peace building. Project point out on generation Y, which is considered […]

Corso di Formazione “Organisational management is the way”

Nitra, Slovakia Nitra, Slovakia, Slovakia (Slovak Republic)

"Organisational management is the way" is a youth mobility which will be hosted in Nitra, Slovakia in spring 2016. Project will create space for 31 participants from 9 EU countries (Slovakia, Lithuania, Romania, Italy, Portugal, Bulgaria, Greece, Estonia, Germany).  Participants will deal with the topic of organisational management, try to look on it from different […]