Corso di Formazione “Youth and Democracy for Active Participation”

Nitra, Slovakia Nitra, Slovakia (Slovak Republic)

With "Youth and Democracy for Active Participation" we wish to equip 30 youth workers and leaders coming from 10 different programme countries with tools useful to encourage active participation of young people, especially in the democratic processes of their local communities, countries, and Europe. The project is set as a training course with 7 activity […]

Corso di Formazione “Yes THEY CARE”

Nitra, Slovakia Nitra, Slovakia, Slovakia (Slovak Republic)

The project Yes THEY CARE! will involve more than 30 participants, young people, youth workers and facilitators, who will meet in Nitra, Slovakia. The mobility will create space where they through non-formal education can work together on the topics such as conflict management and peace building. Project point out on generation Y, which is considered […]

Corso di Formazione “Organisational management is the way”

Nitra, Slovakia Nitra, Slovakia, Slovakia (Slovak Republic)

"Organisational management is the way" is a youth mobility which will be hosted in Nitra, Slovakia in spring 2016. Project will create space for 31 participants from 9 EU countries (Slovakia, Lithuania, Romania, Italy, Portugal, Bulgaria, Greece, Estonia, Germany).  Participants will deal with the topic of organisational management, try to look on it from different […]

Corso di formazione “INLET”

Modra, Slovacchia

Il progetto “INLET” è un corso di formazione finanziato dal programma comunitario Erasmus +, che si svolgerà a Modra, in Slovacchia, dal 6 al 13 settembre. Il corso vedrà la partecipazione di 28 operatori giovanili provenienti da  Slovacchia, Grecia, Croazia, Turchia, Ungheria, Romania, Lituania e Italia. Lo scopo principale del progetto è sviluppare e migliorare le competenze e le abilità degli operatori […]