Corso di Formazione “Be Skilled, Get Educated!”

Struga Struga, Macedonia, Macedonia

The main goal of this Training course is to explain youth leaders and workers how to write and manage projects successfully. Furthermore, by using methods of non­formal education, such as group activities, open discussions and different types of creative workshops, participants will learn how to deal with different phases of project management including preparation, planning […]

Corso di Formazione “Do it right!”

Tbilisi, Georgia , Georgia

"Do It Right" is a Youth Workers meeting, where it will be gathered representatives of EVS SO-HO-CO organizations and ex-EVS volunteers still active in the field of youth so as to come up together with ideas on: How to prepare for the potential challenges in EVS? How to overcome issues when these appear? How to ensure […]

Corso di Formazione “Yes THEY CARE”

Nitra, Slovakia Nitra, Slovakia, Slovakia (Slovak Republic)

The project Yes THEY CARE! will involve more than 30 participants, young people, youth workers and facilitators, who will meet in Nitra, Slovakia. The mobility will create space where they through non-formal education can work together on the topics such as conflict management and peace building. Project point out on generation Y, which is considered […]