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TRAINING COURSE ” Soft Skills as a Key to Employability”

16/08/2015 - 23/08/2015

“Soft Skills as a Key to Employability” is a training course thats aims at increasing the employability of young people by helping them analyze their levels of different soft skills and non-formal competences and showing them how they can improve those competences in an interactive way.


– to encourage young people’s personal growth by helping them improve and acquire new transversal and non-formal competences;

– to raise awareness of the positive effect mastering soft skills can have on the success of young people on the ever-changing labor market of this day and age;

– to create a space where young people coming from different EU nations, including young people with fewer opportunities, and representing a variety of youth organizations can confront their peers and motivate each other to strive for success;

– to promote the use of Youthpass as a valid tool for the recognition of non-formal competences acquired during Erasmus+ youth projects.

Minimum requirements:We are looking for young people, youth leaders and youth workers with various levels of involvement motivated to improve their non-formal skills and acquire new competences through non-formal education. No upper age limit has been set, however all participants are required to have reached the age of 18 by the start of the project activities. The participants should be comfortable working in English, as that will be the official language of the project. Nonetheless, participants should have membership of TDM 2000.

Available places: 3

If you are interested to participate, please contact us: part3@tdm2000.org


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