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Corso di Formazione “We BELIEVE in unity Together”

12/05/2014 - 19/05/2014

We BELIEVE in Unity Together! is a training course for youth leaders and youth workers and it aims to promote tolerance and mutual understanding amongst youth of different communities and religions. With this project we look forward to shed light on the growing importance of dialogue and mutual understanding of persons living together in a multi-religious community. The project will take place in Pristina, Kosovo, and foresee 7 days of activities, excluding the travel days. We involve 30 participants from 10 different countries. There will be a mixture of youth leaders/youth workers coming from countries of the European Union and the South East Europe Region. This diversity of backgrounds will enhance the mixture of ideas and experiences in a multi-cultural/multi-religious environment, for a better learning process of both the participants as well as the trainers. This course will give participants the opportunity to improve and increase their understanding and knowledge of the diversity of religions and aims to increase their problem – solving skills on the basis of non-formal, equality and human rights education, when confronted with prejudices, stereotypes and racism in the multi-religious community we live in. To manage this training we are going to use non formal education methods like as team building activities, workshops, role playing, group discussions, brainstorming, study visits. Our goal through this project will be also to create a real cooperation among participants, in order to build future projects. We choose this place because there are very lack opportunities in the entire areas, especially for youngsters, who are somehow left in a ghetto and do not see any life opportunity in Kosovo. We are looking for 3 motivated persons able to communicate in English and over 18 years old. Available places left: 3 – Participation fee for each project under Youth in Action Programme is 30% of the travel costs, plus the annual membership fee 2014 (30€). For any questions, you can contact us by email at part3tdm2000@gmail.com.